
Guide To Physical Therapy Practice

Guide To Physical Therapy Practice
  1. Guide To Physical Therapy Practice

Guide 3.0 - Available Now! The latest version of APTA's Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, which has been available as a book and CD and is now an online subscription, is available now online only, as Guide to Physical Therapist Practice 3.0 (Guide 3.0). The online links to external and continually updated resources enable the Guide to meet the needs of today's physical therapist and physical therapist assistant educators, students, and clinicians in a way that a static printed book cannot. Access Guide 3.0 at — no software to buy, no disk to install, no updates to download. Guide 3.0 is free to APTA members. Join APTA or renew your membership and get free access to the Guide for as long as you stay a member.

Nonmembers and institutions can access the Guide by annual subscription. Note that if you are a new APTA member or subscriber to the Guide you may need to wait up to 48 hours after your transaction before you are able to log in.

What is Guide 3.0, and who is it for? Guide 3.0 is a description of practice. Originally, APTA developed the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice as a resource also for health care policy makers, administrators, managed care providers, third-party payers, and other professionals. Because these external stakeholders now have access to other key resources, and because the rapid evolution of health care policy requires more dynamic documents, Guide 3.0 was developed primarily for physical therapist and physical therapist assistant audiences. Important to note: The elements of the Patient/Client Management Model (examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, intervention, and outcomes) are unchanged.

A more robust description of the process used when applying those components in practice is provided in Guide 3.0. Within the physical therapist examination, review of systems (ROS) has been added to the history. The history, systems review, and tests and measures continue to be the 3 components of an examination. The language in Guide 3.0 has been revised to be consistent with International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) language.

Other language changes were made to more accurately reflect current terminology in the field; for example, 'sensory processing' has replaced 'sensory integration.' Certain sections, such as Integumentary Repair and Protection, have been changed to more accurately reflect current practice. There also are changes in the groupings of categories of tests and measures, and categories of interventions.

For example, the test and measure category Gait, Locomotion and Balance from the Guide second edition is reorganized to more accurately reflect ICF language: Gait and Balance are now separate categories, and Locomotion is now Mobility (Including Locomotion). Some categories have been combined. For example, the old intervention categories Electrotherapeutic Modalities and Physical Agents and Mechanical Modalities are combined into Biophysical Agents.

Guide To Physical Therapy Practice

The from previous editions have been deleted from Guide 3.0 and are now available on the APTA website for educational purposes only. The practice pattern groupings or titles, which often were used as diagnostic classifications, have not been systematically reviewed.

The descriptions of management for individuals who might be classified in practice pattern groupings have not been formally reviewed since the creation of the patterns.

Preface All health care professions are accountable to the various publics that they serve. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) has developed Guide to Physical Therapist Practice (“the Guide”) to help physical therapists analyze their patient/client management and describe the scope of their practice. The Guide is necessary not only to daily practice but to preparation of students. It was used as a primary resource by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) during its revision of evaluative criteria for physical therapist professional education programs and is an essential companion document to The Normative Model of Physical Therapist Professional Education, Version 97. Specifically, the Guide is designed to help physical therapists (1) enhance quality of care, (2) improve patient/client satisfaction, (3) promote appropriate utilization of health care services, (4) increase efficiency and reduce unwarranted variation in the provision of services, and (5) promote cost reduction through prevention and wellness initiatives.

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The Guide also provides a framework for physical therapist clinicians and researchers as they refine outcomes data collection and analysis and develop questions for clinical research.