Georgia First Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide

The Georgia Department of Education’s strategic plan emphasizes transforming the agency into one that provides meaningful support to schools and districts. The agency has developed a common, continuous improvement framework to ensure that these efforts are aligned across all agency divisions, departments, and programs. The Georgia’s Systems of Continuous Improvement framework focuses on the systems and structures (the “what”) that must be in place for sustained improvement in student outcomes. It also utilizes a problem-solving model (the “how”) to provide a clear process for identifying improvement needs, planning for improvement, and implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the improvement efforts..
First Grade Social Studies Curriculum
General Information MCSD is committed to provide students with quality social studies instruction that allows them to compete in a global society. Social Studies instruction includes the integration of innovative teaching practices that enhance inquiry, allow students to think creatively, reflect on the past to connect to the present in order to solve recurring and future problems, and to increase students' fundamental understanding of their role as citizens in the community, state, nation, and world. It consists of essential knowledge, skills, and concepts from history, geography, economics, political science, and civics/government. An excellent education in social studies is essential to civic competence and the maintenance and enhancement of a free and democratic society. Fssai manual 2.

Social studies teaching and learning are powerful when they are meaningful, integrative, value-based, challenging, and active.National Council for the Social Studies Proposed Social Studies Standards A formal review and revision process has been conducted for the K-12 Science and Social Studies Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). The review process included several public survey opportunities. Teacher and stakeholder survey results informed the revision process for drafting K-12 Science and Social Studies Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE). Read more about the Proposed Social Studies Standards.