Onan 20 Hp Engine Manuals

Did you know 20 hp onan engine has become the hottest topics in this category? Thats why we are showing this content at this moment. We took this image from the web that we think would be one of the most representative pics for 20 hp onan engine. We understand every ones viewpoint; will be different from one another. Similarly to this graphic, in our viewpoint, this really is one of the best picture, and now what is your opinion? This More knowledge about 20 hp onan engine has been submitted by Maria Nieto in this category section. Please leave a comment here.
20 Hp Onan Engine Parts
Hi guys, I finally signed up although I've been reading your posts for some time now. There is alot of knowledge within this group and I finally need to tap into it further. I have a 520H 1991 with the Onan P220. When I bought this tractor 2 years ago it was not running and I had the same exact problem I am having now. The fix last time was the ignition module so I was told. I can not get spark.
The coil checks out to specs, The module works as the service maual describes. I have jumped the coil directly to the battery with no luck. I have torn the fly wheel off to visual check the module etc. And all looks good.
Before I spend 500.00 on all new electrical componets I was hopeing for some ideas from you guys. This tractor ran all summer for me very strong although it had a fuel problem and some times started hard ( I thought was no fuel) it always started.
If it is the module again why would it fail after 1 year? High voltage? Grounds are all good. HELP Thanks alot, Ed in CT:thumbs. I have not replaced the wires but have tried the spark tester in both wires seperatly with no luck.
I checked the safty circuits and all operate but to bypass I have given the coil positive voltage directly from the battery without any luck. I think at this point I will purchase new: Ignition Module Ignition Rotor Voltage Regulator Wires And start there. At least I won't have to pull the Flywheel of again and I can reassemble the motor tins. In the mean time if someone comes up with any Ideas I would be very greatfull as I am with all the help so far!!
I have not replaced the wires but have tried the spark tester in both wires seperatly with no luck. I checked the safty circuits and all operate but to bypass I have given the coil positive voltage directly from the battery without any luck. I think at this point I will purchase new: Ignition Module Ignition Rotor Voltage Regulator Wires And start there. At least I won't have to pull the Flywheel of again and I can reassemble the motor tins. In the mean time if someone comes up with any Ideas I would be very greatfull as I am with all the help so far!! ED No one has mentioned the condenser (capacitor). A bad one will prevent firing.
I would lean toward the module or the condenser if everything else checks good. If 12 vdc is applied at the B+ on the ignition coil and she won't run, then I would look at module or condenser first. When unit runs for a while and quits, then won't restart till it's cooled off, then 99% of the time it's the module that is about to completely let go.

Something in the module electronics is heat sensitive and is just waiting to completely fail. Hi Guys, Thanks for coming back to the thread. I have been working 7 days a week and haven't had a minute to work on the machine. Too bad really as we have been getting a bunch of snow and the 520 is sitting in the garage with the Snowthrower on it without a pulse. I see some real great info recently and it confirms my belief that the Module has quit.
The only thing I didn't try was the condensor this time although a year ago when I had the same issue I did get a new one from a dealer ( The dealer told me it was only for rfi on this unit) which didn't do it. The big question is why would the module quit after only 1 year of operation and why would it perform to the test specifications but not fire the engine? I will be ordering the new parts this week.
Has anyone used Onanparts.com, They seem to have the best prices on this equipment. Until then I appreciate and welcome all of this awesome advice!