
Human Factors Training Manual Doc

Background The ICAO formally addressed the Human Factors issue since 1986, when ICAO has adopted Assembly Resolution A26-9 (ICAO, 2011). One of the methods chosen to comply with Assembly Resolution A26-9 is the publication of guidance materials, manuals and a Human Factors Digests, which are addresses different aspects of Human Factors.

Human Factors Digests. No. 2 - Flight crew training: Cockpit resource management (CRM) and line-oriented flight training (LOFT) (Access the full document as, Flight crew training: Cockpit resource management (CRM) and line-oriented flight training (LOFT). Transmission repair manual 4eat. CAA, UK, 2002).

Icao Human Factors Training Manual Doc 9683


Human Factors Manuals. Doc 9758. Human Factors Guidelines for Air Traffic Management (ATM) Systems.