
Epa 608 Study Guide 2017

  1. Epa 608 Study Guide 2017
  2. Epa 608 Core Study Guide
  3. Epa 608 Spanish Study Guide

Create your own flash cards!. Cards Term What are the typical uses of the center port of gauge set? Definition Used during evacuation, charging and recovery procedures.

Term What color are the gauges on a manifold gauge set? Definition Low pressure is blue, High pressure is red. Term What are the typical ranges of pressure measurements used on the gauges of a manifold gauge set?

Definition High side is 0 to 500 PSIG; Low side is 0 to 350 PSIG and 0 to 30 in. Hg below atmospheric pressure. Term Is the refrigerant leaving a condenser at a high or low pressure? Is it a liquid or a gas? Definition High pressure, liquid. Term Is the refrigerant entering the expansion valve (variable metering device) a liquid or gas? Definition Liquid, high pressure.

Term Is the pressure of the refrigerant entering the compressor high or low? Definition Low pressure vapor. Term Where in a refrigerant circuit does a liquid boil to absorb heat?

Definition In the evaporator. Term The refrigerant in the suction line is a gas that has been heated above its saturation. What is this condition called? Definition Superheated vapor.

Term What can cause liquid refrigerant to migrate to a compressor crankcase? Definition If the compressor is located in the coldest location in the circuit.

Term List two conditions that can quickly damage a compressor that is starting to run? Definition Operating while in a deep vacuum or when the service valves are closed. Term What system failures require taking an oil sample? Definition A compressor burnout or if the unit has had a leak. Term Is flushing with refrigerant an acceptable tube cleaning method?

Definition No. Term In addition to preventing and repairing leaks, what else should a technician do to conserve refrigerant? Definition Recover and recycle used refrigerants. Term What factors affect the speed of an evacuation? Definition Pump size, hose length, hose diameter, size of system to be evacuated, ambient temperature, suction line size, and the amount of moisture in the system. Term How should gauge set hoses be sized for use in evacuating a system?

Definition Use the shortest length and the largest diameter possible for the quickest evacuation. At least as large as the vacuum pump inlet. Term When evacuating, what is the benefit of using short hoses with large diameters? Definition Reduces emissions, pressure drop and evacuation time.

Term which connection determines the preferred size of hoses used with a vacuum pump? Definition The vacuum pump inlet. Term As the capacity and suction hose size increase, what happens to the time needed for an evacuation? Definition Time is reduced. Term What purpose is served by heating a system during dehydration?

Definition To speed up moisture removal. Term Does a thorough evacuation remove moisture from a system? Definition Yes. Term What can happen to oil in the compressor if the moisture is left in an operating system? Definition The oil will form hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids which will corrode the internal parts of the system. Term What is the result of over-evacuating a system?

Definition No damage will be done. Term How can a system be leak checked using a low pressure gauge? Definition Vacuum reading will rise when vacuum pump is turned off. Term How close should the vacuum gauge be connected to the vacuum pump during evacuation? Definition As far away as possible.

Term When measuring the vacuum of a system being evacuated, the system must be isolated. What must be done to the vacuum pump? Definition Turn it off and valve it off. Term What is ozone? Definition 3 atoms of oxygen. It blocks much of the harmful ultraviolet radiation (uv-b) emitted from the sun and it keeps our earth's temperature stable. Term How much ozone can a chlorine atom destroy in the stratosphere?

Definition One atom can destroy 100,000 ozone molecules. Term What is Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)? Definition The ability of any chemical to deplete the ozone layer. Term What is CFC? Definition Chlorofluorocarbon. Term Which refrigerants are CFC's? Definition R-11,12,113,114.

Term Which chemical in the CFC refrigerants does the most damage to the ozone layer? Definition Chlorine.

Term What is an HCFC? Definition Hydrochlorofluorocarbons. Term Which refrigerants are HCFC's?

Definition R-22,123. Term Which is more harmful to the ozone layer, a CFC or an HCFC?

Definition CFC's. Term What is it about CFC's that make them more harmful to the stratosphere? Definition Chemical strength, they will not breakdown in the lower atmosphere.

Term What is an HFC? Definition A fluorocarbon that contains no chlorine. Term Which refrigerants are HFC's?

Definition R-134a,404a,407c,410a. Term What is the ODP of the HFC refrigerant? Definition Zero. Term Which refrigerants contain chlorine? Definition CFC's and HCFC's.

Term Which refrigerants have high ODP? Definition CFC's.

Term Which refrigerants have low ODP? Definition HCFC's, HFC's are zero. Term What is an azeotrope refrigerant? Definition A mixture of two or more compounds where the mixture behaves like a single chemical.

Term Is one of the components of R-500 a CFC? Definition Yes Term Does stratospheric ozone help or hurt the work of the earth's protective shield? Definition It helps. Term What chemical in the stratosphere tells us ozone depletion is occurring? Definition Chlorine-monoxide. Term How do we know the chlorine in the stratosphere is coming from CFC's? Definition The increase in chlorine and fluorine present in the stratosphere, matches the increase in emissions of CFC's.

Term How do we know CFC's get to the stratosphere? Definition From high altitude air sampling measurements. Term What role does the ozone layer play in protecting the earth?

Definition It blocks much of the harmful ultraviolet radiation (uv-b). Term What are the effects on health from increased ultraviolet radiation? Definition Skin cancer, cataracts, human immunity is reduced.

Term What are the effects on the environment? Definition Timber growth is reduced, crop yields lowered, marine life and the food chain are impaired. Term Is ozone depletion a problem for the United States only or a global problem? Definition A global problem. Term What is the Montreal Protocol?

Definition A treaty that called for the reduction of production of CFC's. Term The Montreal Protocol calls for the regulation of what chemicals? Definition Ozone depleting compounds, CFC's, HCFC's, and Halons.

Term On what date was the production and importation of all CFC's phased out? Definition In the U.S., after December 31, 1995. Term Where will we get replacements? Definition Through recovery of existing refrigerants. Term What steps are called for by the Clean Air Act?

Definition Taxes on production and use, standards set for the recovery of refrigerants. Term What is prohibited by the Clean Air Act? Definition Venting. Term Do state and local laws have priority over federal law? Can they be less strict? Definition No.

Cities or states can create their own laws but they must be at least as strict as federal laws. Term To prevent damage to the ozone layer, the U.S. Is making laws to capture the CFC's now in use.

What else does the new law do to restrict the release of CFC's? Definition Allows states and municipalities to create their own laws to prevent and monitor the release of CFC and HCFC materials into the atmosphere. Term By recovering refrigerants, we ensure adequate supplies and prevent venting. What else does the recovery of refrigerants accomplish?

Definition Prevents stratospheric ozone depletion. Term The Clean Air Act phases out CFC/HCFC production and prohibits venting. What else does it require? Definition Standards to be set for recovery of all refrigerants prior to appliance service and disposal. Term Falsifying or failing to keep required records, failing to reach required evacuation levels and knowingly releasing CFC or HCFC refrigerants, are a violations of the Clean Air Act. What activity with a substitute refrigerant is also a violation? Definition Knowingly venting CFC's, HCFC's and their substitutes.

Term Which refrigerants must be recovered prior to opening a system? Definition All refrigerants as of. Term What releases of a CFC and HCFC are violations of the Clean Air Act? Definition Any knowingly vented refrigerants. Term On what date did it become illegal to vent CFC and HCFC refrigerants? Definition July 1, 1992.

Term Which appliances are covered by Section 608? Definition Any device which contains and uses a class 1 or class 2 substance as a refrigerant and is used for household or commercial purposes. Term What is the primary reason the EPA requires a service aperture or process stub on all appliances? Definition For adding or removing refrigerant from the appliance. Term Who sets the regulations for recovery machines?

Definition EPA. Term What is a 'self-contained' recovery machines? Definition A recovery machine that has its own compressor to pump refrigerant out of the system. Term Is HCFC-123 a 'low or 'high' pressure refrigerant?

Definition Low pressure. Term Is CFC-12 a 'low' or 'high' pressure refrigerant? Definition High pressure. Term What is the smallest container in which refrigerants may be sold to a Section 608 certified technicians. Definition 20 pounds.

Term What must you do to the refrigerant in an appliance before disposing of the appliance? Definition Recover refrigerant or verify that the refrigerant was previously recovered. Term Who is responsible for removing the refrigerant from household refrigerators prior to disposal? Definition The final person in the disposal chain. (Scrap metal recyclers, landfill owner, etc) Term What is the penalty for violation of the Clean Air Act? Definition Fines up to $27,500 per violation per day and possible loss of technician certification.

Term How much is the bounty for information leading to a conviction? Definition Up to $10,000. Term What ca happen if a technician cannot demonstrate an ability to use recovery or recycling equipment? Definition May result in revocation of the technician's certification. Term What is the name of the process that removes refrigerant from a system and stores it without testing or processing? Definition Recovery. Term What is the name for the process that removes moisture and acids from refrigerant but does not test the refrigerant?

Definition Recycling. Term What is the name for the process that removes moisture and acids from refrigerant and also chemically tests the refrigerant?

Definition Reclaim. Term What must be done with reclaimed refrigerant before it can be legally resold?

Definition Chemically tested to ARI Standard 700, the purity level of factory new refrigerant. Term What is the preferred instrument for detecting small leaks? Definition Electronic leak detector and Ultrasonic detector. Term What is an inert gas typically used in leak detection? Definition Dry nitrogen. Term What is typically indicated by a dehydrated system failing to hold a vacuum? Definition Leaks.

Term What should be done when recovering the refrigerant form a system where the refrigerant has been improperly mixed? Definition Recover into a separate container? Term Can mixed refrigerants be reclaimed?

Definition No. Term What precautions should be taken when recovering refrigerant from systems with multiple service valves? Definition Insure that liquid is not trapped between service valves. Term What is the effect of low ambient temperature on the time required to complete a recovery of refrigerant?

Definition Increases recovery time. Term Technicians must explain to customers that recovery is necessary and it is required by law. What else should the technician tell the customer? Definition That all service personnel are duty bound to follow the law and protect the environment.

Term What is different about any leaks in systems charged with a blended refrigerant? Definition Because they are blended, the ingredients will leak at different rates. Term What is 'temperature glide'? Definition A family of lines depicting pressure versus temperature curve. Term What is ternary blend?

Definition A blend of three different refrigerants. Term How should systems using blended refrigerants be charged?

Definition In liquid form into the high side of the system. Term Is there a 'drop-in' refrigerant for CFC-12?

Definition No. Term How do you leak check an HFC-134a system with a partial charge (no HFC-134a detector available)? Definition Recover the remaining 134a and then pressurize the system with nitrogen and a trace charge of R-22 so you can use an HCFC electronic leak detector. Term What is the preferred oil to be used with HFC-134a? Definition Ployolester. Term Can ester based oils be mixed with other oils? Definition No.

Term What does 'hygroscopic' mean? Definition Oil that absorbs moisture easily. Term What lubricant is recommended for use with a ternary blend?

Epa 608 Study Guide 2017

Definition Depends on the blend: For HCFC's-Alkylbenze, For HFC's-Ployolester. Term Safety glasses and butyl-lined gloves should be worn for what procedures? Definition When operating recovery or recycling devices and when handling and refilling refrigerant cylinders. Term What safety component must be used whenever dry nitrogen is used to pressurize a system? Definition Pressure regulator. Term Safety rules for technicians such as: no open flame or hot steam near a refrigerant, never cutting or brazing a charged refrigerant line, and never using oxygen to purge or pressurize lines, are all important. Which one should a technician follow?

Epa 608 Core Study Guide

Definition All of them. Term What is a Material Safety Data Sheet?

Epa 608 Spanish Study Guide

Definition A sheet the states the safety ratings and precautions to be taken for use and handling of chemicals. Introduction to mathematical statistics notes. Term What safety classification within the ASHRAE standard is the most safe? Definition A1.


Term What is caused by tie inhaling of refrigerant vapors?