2007 Suzuki Forenza Service Manual
It is standard practice with lots of modern cars to leave the ignition key in and turned to the on position when connecting a battery as this helps prevent alarms sounding, immobilisers engaging and all sorts of inconvenient stuff happening. It is even better to use a memory saver while changing a battery so not even the radio code and stations are lost. You didn't say how long you have owned the car.

2006 Suzuki Forenza Service Manual Free Download
If it was a recent purchase it should have been returned to the dealer as soon as you realised the battery was faulty. There is such a thing as warranty and consumer rights. The dealer certainly should not have sold the car with a defective seatbelt. It certainly seems like the security system is activated though the presence of the key in the ignition should deactivate it if it is working ok so maybe it is broken or maybe it has forgotten the correct code and needs reprogramming. It is possibly a coincidence and there is a fault, perhaps caused by the first mechanic. Before towing the car to the Suzuki dealer or calling for an autolocksmith it would be a good idea to physically check voltages, wiring, the presence of fuel and injection pulses, spark and suchlike.
If all seems well under the bonnet the chances of an immobiliser malfunction are quite high. Reading the vehicle handbook is always a good place to begin. Answered on Apr 01, 2017.
Asked vast times here again. J20b engine, is 4 banger, the knock sensors on most 4 bangers are on the center of the block between #2 and #3 water jackets, (best sonic location) now ill post a photo of this. Btw the 4 buck service manual covers this??
You ask how to unscrew a sensor? Why not look first and see it. The sensor, if you bought one, is a donut shape with center hold down screw, we just unscrew it. I think it is. Its on the starter side, see ST? And is there, aka, as the fire wall side of the engine.
Its in the best spot too, sonic-ally, best. Jacking up car on stands does wonders to find things here. Answered on Jan 02, 2017. Owner's Manual says 'You can select this mode to drive with some characteristics of a manual transmission. With the HOLD mode turned on, the automatic transmission will stay in a specific gear range. Press the HOLD button on the shift lever to turn on the HOLD mode.
While on, the HOLD indicator light on the instrument panel will light up. ' The button is on the console, next to the shift lever, and the HOLD indicator light is in the lower left hand corner of the instrument panel Answered on May 31, 2016. 07 forenza (seems all posts are for this 1 suzuki) a problematic car for sure.? In what country, car has 6 engines, but 1 in USA so cant help you lacking where you are, (name a country,not your IPaddress) we have the 2.0L engine, in USA.
Canada or USA, (diffr. Laws, different wiring, even DRL up there) station wagon or NOT? THE TURNS FUSE BLEW OUT. 2nd time, 3rd,????? That means the circuit is overloaded or shorted.! (prevents fire) but did it blow a 2nd time, why not say so??? All 4 lamps dead.
Or stuck on, or flash odd. Does the cluster lamp flash, in blink or emerg. Wont work, means what, (dead or stuck on or dim)????? Do emergency flashers work?,dead, stuck on what? Does car drive perfect day or night?
2004 Suzuki Forenza Manual
Are any other things on car dead, of odd acting? We see all this, 1st 5 min in a shop, zero here. Ive answered Forenza blinks here, many times. Ill now answer by guessing USA non stationwagon and no DRL. Dash box fuse 4 kills blinkers EF1 (engine fuse) 1 good?
Dash fuse 14 and EF1 can kills emerg. Flasher so of Emergancy flash lamps blows fuse 14,(smaller of 2) then the blinkers are in fact shorted. If yes, then find out which side blows the fuse 3.
Turns left blow or turns right blows. So if say turns right blows, F4 fuse. If true?remove all bulbs front rear right bulbs. Does the fuse hold now,(means not blown) then buy new lamps there. Problem solved bulbs can in fact short.
Not just blow open. Tell the full story and all this gets easy. For sure emergency flashAnswered on Mar 17, 2016. Lots of causes for that. Which engine the 2.0L? (8 used world wide) takes me 1 to 10 tests to find most failures. First is to scan it, to see if there serious, problems with the throttle by wire system (motor driven throttle) this new tech, prevents grandma from running over things, when idle controls are bad.

(read, toyota 1billion suit loss.) cant fix cars today with out a scan too. Its not going to happen. Brindle training manual fire.
Unless you win at slot machines every pull. (magic luck at guessing) you might check to see if the throttle valve is packed junk and clean that off. (blocked open it might be) vacuum hoses fell off. Cracked vacuum servo diaphragms. Cracked brake booster diaphragms, ( all cause vacuum leaks) there are lots of other causes. Mechical in engine, EFI sensors Injectors and more.
And lots of tests. To prove them out. But why not scan it,first. (check fuses too) Answered on Oct 21, 2015.